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Children in Social Media

What should you know when it comes to social media? How should you talk about the social media with children and adolescents?

The pros and cons of social media are not so much related to a particular service or application being bad in itself. Typically, problems arise when service users do not follow the code of conduct or good manners. As a parent, you can urge and encourage your child to act in a positive, safe and considerate manner on the internet and in social media.

Social media is a place where children can catch up with each other, express joy, participate and influence matters, but it can also be a place where they encounter setbacks, hurt their feelings and are bullied. Encourage your child to tell you about both their good and bad experiences in social media. If your child gets used to sharing their experiences, it will also be easier for them to talk about anything negative that happens on the internet.

  • Provides opportunities to form new social relationships / friendships
  • Strengthens existing social relationships / friendships / family ties
  • Provides opportunities to interact over longer distances
  • Provides opportunities to find information and become familiar with different views, varying opinions and new ideas
  • Teaches self-expression and media skills
  • Spreading of personal/private information
  • Bullying
  • Takes time away from school work, hobbies, rest
  • Grooming
  • Scams

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